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8 Reasons Why Rome Fell

  •  English    24     Public
    This quiz cooresponds with the Newsela article - 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell
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  • How long was the Western Roman Empire the "world's greatest superpower?
    Nearly 500 years
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  • What was the Roman empire called that survived in the east, even when the western Roman Empire collapsed?
    The Byzantine Empire
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  • What is the most "straightforward' theory as to why the Roman empire fell?
    A "string of military losses". Essentially, the kingdom was invaded by other tribes, known as 'barbarians' to the Romans.
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  • Who Invaded Rome in the year 410 C.E.with an Army of Goths?
    The Visigoth King, Alaric.
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  • What group of barbarians invaded Rome in 455 C.E.?
    The Vandals
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  • What year did the Western Roman Empire receive it's "deathblow"?
    Many historians believe it was the year 476 C.E., when the Germanic leader Odoacer staged a revolt against the Emperor Romulus Augustus
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  • According to the article, what two things "drained the empire's wealth"
    Section 2. Constant wars and overspending
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  • What did Rome's economy depend on?
    Slaves "to till its fields and work as craftsmen"
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  • Traditionally, what did Rome's military might provide for the empire?
    A fresh flow of conquered people to put to work as slaves.
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  • What happened to the empire once it "ceased expanding" or growing bigger?
    Rome's supply of slaves began to "dry up". In other words, they ran out of slaves.
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  • The labor shortage in Ancient Rome caused a sharp decline in what?
    Rome's commercial and agricultural production
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  • What two halves did the empire break into in the late 3rd century?
    The Latin speaking Western Empire and the Greek-speaking Eastern Empire
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  • What were some of the pros and cons of the Rise of the Eastern Empire?
    . . . . .
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  • Map Question: What are some of the "barbarian" tribes that invaded the Roman Empire?
    The Angles, The Saxons, the Franks, the Goths, the Visigoths, the Ostrogoths, the Huns, and the Vandals
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  • Which emperor divided the Roman Empire in half?
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  • Why did the Western and Eastern Roman empires grow apart?
    They failed to work together to fight against outside threats (like barbarian invasions) and often competed for resources (money and political power)
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