Game Preview

"In a pickle" Social Skills Game

  •  English    7     Public
    pragmatics, social skills, perspective taking
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A group of students are all playing cards together; the table looks full. Is it a good idea to go try to play with them? How would you know they don’t want you to join? What would you do?
    Bonus Point: When you walk up to the table, no one looks up at you. What does that mean?
  •  15
  • A classmate starts making loud humming noises and walks off in the middle of a lesson. What would everyone think? What would you do?
    Bonus point: What is the best choice-react or ignore?
  •  15
  • A student you don't know walks over and says “Let’s play a game!” What would you think? What would you do?
    Bonus Point: what could they have said first to make a better first impression?
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  • At group meeting, anyone who wants to can share something they have made. You decide to read a long story you wrote. Everyone starts looking around. They look bored. What went wrong?
    Bonus Point: How can you tell they are bored?
  •  15
  • Why would everyone at a table look uncomfortable if someone they didn’t know sat down at the table unexpectedly, and started talking. What went wrong?
    Bonus point: How could you tell if they might want you to join?
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  • Your teacher says, “Turn in your homework” to the whole class, and you say out loud, “I already did. In fact, I turned it in early.” How will people see your behavior?
    Bonus point: what should you do instead of saying that out loud?
  •  15
  • You offer to loan your favorite movie to a friend. They say "no thanks." You offer again, because it is a great movie. They say "no, I can't watch it." You keep offering it. They get upset and walk away. What happened?
    Bonus point: What hidden rules were broken?
  •  15