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CCD Review

  •  English    18     Public
    3rd Grade CCD
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is Original Sin?
    The first sin committed by Adam and Eve.
  •  15
  • Describe what free will means.
    It is the right to make our own choices.
  •  15
  • If/When we sin, what should we do?
    Confess our sin, ask for forgiveness, do penance, and try to do better. We do this in Reconciliation/Confession..
  •  20
  • True or False - A sin is the same as a mistake.
  •  5
  • When we sin, we hurt our relationship with _______, ________, and _________.
    God, others, and ourselves
  •  20
  • Describe the difference between a mortal sin and a venial sin.
    Mortal sins are much more serious. When a person commits a mortal sin, he/she turns away from God completely. A venial sin is less serious.
  •  25
  • How can committing one sin lead to committing even more sins?
    will vary
  •  15
  • True or False - We always know what harm we cause when we sin.
  •  10
  • When we share in God's life and love, it is called _________________.
  •  10
  • Why did God send Jesus to us?
    Through Jesus's Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension God's grace became available to us and we were saved from sin.
  •  15
  • In what sacrament do we receive sanctifying grace?
  •  10
  • Name at least two things you can do to help build God's Kingdom.
    avoid sin, tell others what we know about Jesus, treat others the way Jesus did, care for others, help others
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  • What is prayer?
    Prayer is talking and listening to God.
  •  10
  • What can you pray about?
    Anything and everything!
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  • King David wrote poems and prayer-songs as a way to talk with God. We call these ____________________.
  •  15
  • How do we begin all our prayers?
    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
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