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Asking for help

  •  English    12     Public
    Asking for help
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I have a question on the homework for tonight (remote learning)
    Raise hand, ask in chat box, ask over go guardian
  •  15
  • I have a question on the homework for tonight (in person)
    Raise hand, ask teacher, ask a classmate
  •  15
  • I need help on a problem during a test (remote)
    Go guardian
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  • I need help on a problem during a test (in person)
    Raise hand
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  • You lost your homework due for the day (in person)
    Ask the teacher for a new copy
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  • You left your glasses at home, you normally sit in the back of the room but can not see the board that far away...
    Ask your teacher to move closer
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  • You missed what page numbers you need to read for the night
    "Excuse me () I missed the page numbers for homework tonight, can you please repeat that"
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  • You are having a hard time understanding the lesson in math class...
    "(teacher) I do not know how to do these problems, can you please help with them during (office hours/lunch)
  •  15
  • You have to write an essay on a topic of your choice, you are having a hard time deciding what to write about
    "() I am having a hard time deciding what to write my essay on. Can you please help me?"
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  • You know you will be gone for school one day this week for a doctors appointment, you want to get your work for that day ahead of time:
    "I am going to be gone (day) can you please let me know what I am going to be missing"
  •  15
  • You were sick and missed two days of school, you need to get your missing work
    "I was out sick, can you please let me know what I missed"
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  • You did not understand what the teacher said and need clarification
    "teacher, I did not understand what you meant by that can you explain it again"
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