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  •  English    9     Public
    What expression could be used in each scenario?
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  • You're overloaded with work, your whole family is confined and, to make matters worse, it's freezing cold. Suddenly, your router breaks down. You say...
    That's all I need! / I need this like a hole in the head!
  •  15
  • A close friend split up with their long-term abusive partner a few months ago. It was a very difficult process to get over, but the right decision. Now, your friend announces that he/she is getting back together with their ex. You say...
    You need your head examined! / I need hardly remind you of how difficult etc.
  •  15
  • Your English teacher misplaces a writing task you have sweated blood over. You are furious! Eventually, he/she finds it and decides to give you a few extra points for the trouble caused. You think this is the least he/she can do. You say...
    I should think so, too!
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  • A friend rings you up excitedly to ask if you want to go for a walk in the mountains later. This is, frankly, the last thing you feel like doing as you don't have the energy. You say...
    I can't be bothered.
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  • You and your partner are flopped out on the sofa one evening. There's nothing on TV and you've run out of decent series to watch on Netflix, HBO etc. Your partner suggests going to bed. You say...
    We might as well.
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  • There's a public transport strike and you've got an exam/job interview to go to. The only possible way you can get there is by bicycle - a two-hour ride! Your loved ones ask why you're going to put yourself through this. You say...
    Needs must (when the devil drives).
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  • You've just finished an insanely difficult English exam. A classmate tells you that he/she found it much harder than expected - something which you wholeheartedly agree with. You say...
    You can say that again!
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  • A younger sibling has homework to do on the Spanish Golden Age - hardly your area of expertise - and asks you what inspired Lope de Vega to write 'Fuenteovejuna'. You reply, quite rudely...
    How (the hell) should I know???
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  • No matter how well anyone in the class writes, your mean teacher refuses to award anyone more than a 13 out of 20. Your classmates are livid but you, already resigned to the situation, say...
    It can't be helped.
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