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Vocabulary 2020-21

  •  English    16     Public
    Vocabulary targeted this school year
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  • He veered to the left to avoid hitting the deer that ran in front of his car. Tell me what veered means in this example.
    sharply change directions
  •  15
  • Aerial means in the air. Who else does aerials besides surfers?
    All of these listed
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  • The roller coaster started accelerating very quickly after it reached the peak of the tall hill. Use accelerating in your own sentence.
    Any sentence where accelerating means going faster.
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  • Aspiring students work hard to receive straight A’s. What does aspiring mean?
    ambitious, hard working
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  • Aspiring means ambitious or hard working. What does inspiring mean?
    encourage, influence
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  • You know that orbit means to travel around. Give an example of something that orbits.
    The earth orbits the sun. The moon orbits the earth.
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  • What does it mean for the ocean water to have buoyancy on the surfer and surfboard?
    Downward force into the water
    Bouncing forces of waves causing you to be thrown in the air
    Upward force created by water, floating
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  • Vast means the waves travel very slowly across the ocean. True or False?
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  • Give an example of a prefix.
    re-, un-, pre-
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  • Is a suffix attached to the beginning or end of the word?
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  • How many years are in a decade?
    10 years
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  • Contrast a novel toy and a classic toy.
    Tell how they are different (new vs. been around awhile)
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  • What does the idiom "through the roof" mean?
    to become very angry or a very high level
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  • What are the prefixes in the words "unpredictable, uncertain, and rethink?"
    un- and re-
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  • The teacher confiscated the students' phones. What does confiscated mean?
    take away
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  • After the science experiment, students analyzed the data. What is analyze and what is data?
    analyze means to study in detail, data is information
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