Game Preview

Let's Review

  •  English    18     Public
    For the Activity Week Units 1-6
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does "fibre" mean? Give some examples.
    It is an element that helps food move through our body. Fruits and vegetables have fibre.
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  • What are dairy products? Are they good for our health? How often do you eat & drink them?
    Dairy products include yogurt, milk, cheese etc. They are really beneficial.We should eat them often.
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  • What do we (Turkish people) have in breakfast? Which other country's breakfast do you want to try?
    We have tea, eggs, olives, cheese and bread. Second answer belongs to you :)
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  • What is a landmark? Give some famous landmarks examples(can be in or out of Turkey)
    It is a structure that represents a famous event, person or country. Pisa tower, Eiffel tower, Anıtkabir, Burj Khalifa are some famous landmarks.
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  • What are the meanings of mural, belfry and monastery.Choose one and make a sentence.
    Mural: Wall painting. Belfry: Bell tower. Monastry:A building in which monks live. SENTENCE: In NY we saw some beautiful murals.
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  • What are you going to do this summer? Talk about your plans
    I am going to .....
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  • Which animals are endangered? What can we do to help them?
    Black rhino, pandas, mountain gorilla, leatherback turtles are endangered. We should stop poaching,save their habitat and should't throw plastics into the ocean
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  • What could you do when you were 6 years old?
    I could ......
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  • If you have a chance, which 3 endangered animals would you save and why?
    I would save...... because .....
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  • What are the 3 R s? What are their advantages?
    Recycle, reduce and reuse. Whem we recyle and reuse, we can save materials and don't throw plastics to the trash. When we reduce we can stop toxic fumes.
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  • Give some examples of the recycled materials. How often do you recycle and why?
    Papers, some plastics, aluminiums. I generally recycle.
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  • What are the natural sources? Are they beneficial for us?
    Oceans, soil, minerals,animals, vegetation, wind.We can continue our lives thanks to them.
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  • Which job is the most fun/ boring/ dangerous.? What do you plan to be in the future?
    The most fun is ......, boring one is ...., dangerous one is...... I want to be......
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  • Can you compare: playing games vs reading books/ tea vs coffee/ watching movies vs series.
    Your creative answers :)
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  • Which jobs are important and why?
    To me being a doctor, teacher and police is important because doctors and policemen save our lives. Teachers build up our lives.
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  • What does "extreme" mean? What are the extreme conditions?
    Extreme: Not usual, not normal, unusual. Too hot/ cold weathers, natural disasters are extreme conditions.
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