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Hypothetical Questions

  •  English    15     Public
    Hypothetical situations
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  • Your teacher passed the cupcakes out and you got chocolate. You were about to eat it when you noticed the girl next to you had a sad face and had not touched her cupcake yet. Why do you think she felt sad? What could you do about it?
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  •  15
  • At lunch, your friend dropped his tray and his food went all over the floor. What do you think he is feeling and what would you do?
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  • You noticed the new girl in class didn't have anyone to play with during recess. How would you feel if you were her? What would you do?
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  • Your sister was out riding her new bike. She suddenly came running in the house crying. Why do you think she was crying and what could you do about it?
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  • The teacher asked you a question in class, but you didn't know the answer. How do you feel? What do you do?
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  • You were at school and you were running in the hallway. You ran past a teacher and she gave you a look. What kind of look do you think was on her face and why? What do you think you should do?
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  • You were working on a test and the bell rang. You were not done. How do you feel? What would you do?
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  • You have been waiting all day for lunch to come because you are starving. Finally class gets over and you get to go to lunch. Except when you go to get to your lunch, it's not there. You probably left it at home. What could you do?
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  • You wake up and notice your alarm didn't go off. You are 20 minutes late and it's important you're not late for school. What do you do?
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  • You're picking up food at your favorite restaurant, but the person behind you in line is standing too close to you. What could you do or say?
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  • You're eating your favorite candy and you notice your friend is staring at you. Why do you think they are staring? What could you do or say?
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  • You and your friend were playing a board game and you won! Your friend looks sad and isn't talking much. Why do you think he's sad? What could you do or say?
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  • You're trying to tell a story but your friends keep interrupting you. How would you feel? What could you do or say to them?
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  • Your eating dinner at your friend's house, but you don't like the food they have. What do you do?
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  • Your classmate asked to borrow a pencil during class, but he never gave it back. How would you feel? What would you do or say?
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