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Ionic and covalent bonds (3o ESO with Alicia)

  •  English    28     Public
    How ionic and covalent bonds form and what are their characteristics
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  • What is the name of group 17 of the periodic table?
  •  15
  • What is the name of group 1 of the periodic table?
    Alkali Metals
  •  15
  • What is the name of group 18 of the periodic table?
    Noble Gases
  •  10
  • What is a chemical compound?
    A substance formed by 2 or more atoms chemically joined together
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  • Why do atoms form compounds?
    To become stable by gaining, loosing or sharing electrons
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  • Are all atoms stable?
    No, most atoms are UNSTABLE
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  • Which atoms are stable? Why?
    The Noble Gases (group 18) because they have a FULL valence shell.
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  • Which group/family of elements is the most REACTIVE?
    Group 17; they only need 1 electron to become stable
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  • When a neutral atoms gains 1 electron, it becomes a POSITIVE/NEGATIVE ion?
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  • When a neutral atoms gains 1 electron, it becomes a NEGATIVE ion. WHY?
    Because now it has more electrons that protons
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  • What are the 3 types of chemical bonds?
    Ionic bonds, covalent bonds and metallic bonds
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  • Covalent bonds happen between METAL/NON-METAL and METAL/NON-METAL elements.
    non-metal and non-metal elements
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  • In covalent bonds, atoms GAIN/LOSE/SHARE electrons.
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  • Can covalent bonds form between 2 atoms of the SAME element?
    Yes, for example CL-CL
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  • In covalent bonds, atoms share electrons from WHICH shell?
    valence shell or the outer shell
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  • In covalent bonds atoms share electrons. To do this, atoms ________ (verb) their valence shells.
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