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[Grade 8 - Old] Unit 10 - Recycling

  •  English    19     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • She's the new <representative> of the organization.
    representative (n): đại diện
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  • We need to <protect the environment> and <save natural resources>.
    protect (v): bảo vệ; environment (n): môi trường; save (v): tiết kiệm; natural resources (n): tài nguyên thiên nhiên
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  • What are the three Rs when you recycle?
    Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.
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  • Can you <explain> what you mean?
    explain (v): giải thích
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  • "Surely" is an adverb. Another word that has the same meaning is "c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".
    certainly (adv): chắc chắn
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  • Don't buy products which are <overpackaged>, e.g.: food with plastic <packaging>.
    overpackaged (adj): đóng gói nhiều hơn cần thiết; packaging (n): bao bì
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  • What's this?
    It's an envelope.
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  • What's this?
    It's a cloth bag.
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  • In order to protect the environment, you can try and find another use for your things instead of throwing them _ _ _ _.
    away → throw away (v): vứt đi
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  • You can contact our <organization> or your <local> library for more <information>.
    organization (n): tổ chức; local (adj): địa phương; information (n): thông tin
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  • The empty bottles are cleaned and <refilled>.
    refill (v): làm đầy lại
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  • The glass is <collected>, sent to the factories, broken up, <melted> and made into new <glassware>.
    collect (v): thu gom; melt (v): làm tan chảy; glassware (n): đồ dùng bằng thuỷ tinh
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  • The <government> has just made a new <law>. They said there must be a <deposit> on all drink cans. That deposit will be returned if people bring the cans back for recycling.
    government (n): chính phủ; law (n): luật); deposit (n): tiền đặt cọc
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  • <Compost> is a wonderful natural <fertilizer>.
    compost (n): phân xanh; fertilizer (n): phân bón → fertilize (v): bón phân
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  • Farmers have collected <household> and garden <waste> to make compost for thousands of years.
    household (n): nhà ở, gia đình; waste (n): rác thải → household waste: rác thải sinh hoạt, rác thải gia đình
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  • What does "overnight" mean?
    overnight (adj, adv): qua đêm
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