Game Preview


  •  English    100     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 17. What do you think is needed to make the world a better place?
  •  15
  • 18. What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?
  •  15
  • 19. What advice can you give about how to relieve stress?
  •  15
  • 20. Why are some people cruel and unkind?
  •  15
  • 21. What is the difference between knowing a lot of facts about a person and knowing someone personally?
  •  15
  • 22. What do you think is the secret to a happy marriage?
  •  15
  • 23. Why do innocent people suffer?
  •  15
  • 24. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  •  15
  • 25. Do you believe that, for the most part, people are basically good, basically bad, or a mixture? Why?
  •  15
  • 26. Is seeking truth a way of life or a season of life? Explain.
  •  15
  • 27. Do you believe ignorance is bliss? Why or why not?
  •  15
  • 28. Why do you think it’s so hard for people to say they’re sorry?
  •  15
  • 29. When does the end justify the means?
  •  15
  • 30. What do you think is the greatest problem of the human race?
  •  15
  • 31. Why are bad habits so hard to break?
  •  15
  • 32. Whom do you consider the greatest president of all time? Why?
  •  15