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Is this career realistic for me?

  •  English    13     Public
    Deciding if going to college/our career choices are realistic for us!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or False: We need to consider the EDUCATION required for a job when thinking about realistic options.
    TRUE! If the job requires a college degree but we don't want to go to college, that means it probably isn't realistic for us.
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  • True or False: When thinking about college, we need to ask ourselves if we are willing to take 2 or 4 more years of classes.
    TRUE! If you are thinking about college, you MUST be willing to put in the work for 2 or 4 more years of classes.
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  • True or False: When thinking about college, we need to ask ourselves about our grades and the level of support we need at school.
    TRUE! College requires WAY more independence and work, so this is important to consider.
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  • True or False: If we decide that a specific career choice isn't realistic for us, we need to pick a job in a completely separate field/area.
    FALSE!!! If a career is not realistic for you, you can pick an entry level (less advanced) job in that SAME career area!
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  • Give an example of a high level job and an entry level job in the same career area.
    Vet and vet assistant, head chef and food preparation assistant, teacher and teacher's aid, etc.
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  • True or False: It is OKAY if you decide something (going to college or a job option) is not realistic for you.
    TRUE!!! Everyone is different and realistic choices for each person is different. Figuring this out will only make things easier for you!
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  • True or False: We can get a job just because we really want it.
    FALSE! We have to be qualified for it, meaning we have to have the right level of education and experience.
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  • Susie does not want to go to college because she wants to be done with school. She wants to be a teacher and work with kids, but teachers need a college degree. Is this realistic for her?
    No! If she isn't willing to go to college, she cannot be a teacher. She CAN, however, be a teacher's aid or assistant!
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  • La'Shaun really wants to manage a hotel. This job requires a college degree in hospitality and 3 years of previous experience. La'Shaun doesn't want to go to college and has no work experience. Is this realistic for him?
    No! He just finished high school & doesn't have the experience, & he doesn't want to go to college. He can, however, get a job at the front desk or cleaning.
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  • Matthew wants to be a chef. He just got accepted into culinary school and already has some restaurant experience. Is a chef a realistic career choice for him?
    You bet! He is already going to culinary school and has some experience, so he is willing to obtain the requirements for this job.
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  • What does REALISTIC mean?
    Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
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  • True or False: We should consider whether we are an introvert or an extrovert before choosing a job option.
    TRUE! If we are shy and don't love talking to people, we probably want to avoid a job in customer service/where we'd be talking to people all day.
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  • True or False: We should consider the SETTING we'd like to work in (outdoor vs. indoor/in an office).
    Yes! This is going to help us figure out what environment you'd be happiest in and that can be really helpful when choosing a job option.
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