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Freeway Christmas Trivia

  •  English    30     Public
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  • In which modern country is the birthplace of Saint Nicholas, who Santa Claus is modeled after?
  •  15
  • Name 5 traditional English Christmas dinner ingredients
    POSSIBLE ANSWERS: turkey, potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, gravy, ham, pigs in blanket, parsnips, bread sauce, christmas pudding, stuffing
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  • On the night of the 24th of December, children in the UK traditionally leave food and drink for Father Christmas. What do they leave?
    Whiskey, mince pies, milk, cookies, carrots
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  • What are the names of these dates in England: 24th December , 26th December , 31st December , 1st January
    24th December. Christmas Eve 26th December. Boxing Day. 31st December Year’s Eve 1st January New Year’s Day
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  • How many sets of LEGO are sold every second during the Christmas season? (+/- 5)
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  • What three things did the Three Wise Men bring to Jesus?
    Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh
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  • What’s the average number of Christmas presents a UK child receives? +/- 3
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  • Why is the day after Christmas called ‘Boxing Day’?
    A box to collect money for the poor was traditionally placed in Churches on Christmas day and opened the next day - Boxing Day.
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  • True or False: The first country to put up Christmas trees was the United States of America.
    FALSE: Germany
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  • Ture or False: In Italy, it isn’t Santa that delivers the presents. Instead, it is a witch.
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  • True or False: People in Iceland have the idea that if you don’t get new clothes before Christmas Day, you’ll be eaten by a monster cat.
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  • True or False: American people don’t eat Turkey at Christmas as there is often a shortage after Thanksgiving. They normally eat chicken and ham.
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  • Re-arrange these letters to make a word: t r w e i n / k r c a c s e r
    Winter / Crackers
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  • Re-arrange these letters to make a word: s e k a n f w l o / e n e p s r t
    Snowflake /. Present
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  • In the book 'A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens, what does Scrooge say about Christmas? Bah (u g b h m u)!
    Bah HUMBUG
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  • Name this song: Oh! You better watch out, you better not cry Better not pout, I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is Coming to Town
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