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Text Messaging Practice

  •  English    10     Public
    This activity gives you scenarios in which you might send a text message.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You're hungry and your mom is making dinner. What could you text her?
    What's for dinner?
  •  15
  • You're in the neighborhood of a good friend. You're thinking of stopping over. What might you text them?
    Are you home? I'm in the neighborhood. I might stop by.
  •  20
  • The Green Bay Packers play tomorrow, but you aren't sure when they play. What could you text your dad to find out?
    When do the Packers play tomorrow? (What might be a follow up text?)
  •  25
  • You're about to make some cookies, but you don't have enough sugar. What could you text your neighbor?
    Do you have any sugar I can borrow?
  •  15
  • Tomorrow you're going to Florida. You're not sure when your flight is. What could you text your sister to find out?
    When do we need to leave tomorrow? When is our flight?
  •  15
  • Dad scheduled a tee time for tomorrow. What could you ask your dad?
    When is our tee time tomorrow? What time are we golfing tomorrow?
  •  25
  • You're not feeling well and you aren't going to make it in to work. What could you text your co-worker or boss?
    I'm not feeling well. I won't be in today. See you tomorrow.
  •  15
  • You're putting away the dishes in your sister's house. She's not home and you're not sure where to put the crockpot. What could you text her?
    Where does the crockpot go?
  •  10
  • You're out and about and near Kroger. What could you text your mom?
    Need anything at the store?
  •  10
  • You're headed to a concert with a friend and you're running late. What could you text your friend?
    Sorry. I'm running late. Be there in 5.
  •  15