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Christmas Quiz

  •  English    10     Public
    Quiz about Christmas traditions
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  • In many countries, people eat turkey on Christmas Day. Where do turkeys come from? a) Turkey b) North America c) Hungary
    North America. Sailor William Strickland brought turkeys to Europe in the 16th century.
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  • After finishing the turkey, the British eat a special pudding. The pudding, which was originally created by the Celts to honour the god Dagda, traditionally has a special ingredient. What is it? a) money b) a prediction c) a crown
    Money! Yes, eating Christmas pudding is dangerous. You can break a tooth or swallow a pound coin.
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  • Why do we celebrate December the 25th? a) It’s the day Jesus was born b) Pope Julius I decided it was a good day c) The shops are closed
    Pope Julius I decided it was a good day to celebrate Jesus’ birth – people already celebrated pagan festivals around this time.
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  • Where did Father Christmas (also known as Santa Claus) originally come from? a) The Vikings used to dress a man as ‘Winter’ b) Saint Nicholas c) he was created by Coca-Cola in 1931
    Trick question! It's all three!
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  • Why does Santa Claus come down the chimney? a) In Lapland houses under the snow used to have one hole for the chimney and the door b) doors and windows are locked at night c) Because he travels through the air and lands on the roof.
    Santa is from Lapland. People in Lapland used to live in houses under the snow, where a hole in the roof was used both as a chimney and a front door.
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  • Why were Christmas cards invented? a) he realised he could make money from them b) he worked at the post office and wanted to sell more stamps c) he thought it would be easier to send his friends a card than a letter
    Because he had lots of friends and couldn’t be bothered writing letters to all of them. He thought sending a card would be much quicker.
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  • What is a Christmas cracker? a) a triangular object that people place under the Christmas tree b) a square box-like object with a figure inside c) a cylinder that two people pull. It breaks and the person with the biggest part wins a hat
    It’s a cylindrical object that two people pull. It breaks open and the person with the biggest portion wins a paper hat.
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  • What was special about Christmas in 1644 in England? a) 5,000 people died b) It was fashionable to be a vegetarian, so no one ate turkey c) Parliament banned Christmas so people had to go to work
    An act of parliament abolished the celebration of Christmas and people had to go to work as usual.
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  • Who said ‘If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with “Merry Christmas” on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding' a) The Queen of England b) Scrooge in A Christmas Carol c) Sting in the pop song ‘Fight Christmas’
    Scrooge in the novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
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  • Christmas is a time to think of other people and the environment. Imagine that you have to travel somewhere to see a friend at Christmas. Environmentally, what is the best way to travel? a) By bus. b) By train. c) By car.
    By bus
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