Game Preview

English/Language Arts - January 2025

  •  English    26     Public
    Identifying Word Chunks
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name 5 words that start with the letters "ch"
    cheese, chess, chili, chips, chair, child, cherry
  •  15
  • Name 5 word that start with "sh"
    sheep, ship, shrimp, sharp, shampoo, show
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that end in "th"
    health, mouth, math, ninth, bath, sloth
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that have a "ll" in the word
    holly, ball, chilly, collar, bully, ballet, Fall
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that contain a "pp" in the word
    apple, happy, hippo, puppy, zipper, chopping, hopping
  •  15
  • Name 3 adjectives to describe roses
    red, pretty, nice, sharp, perfumed, fragrant
  •  15
  • Name 4 adjectives to describe a snowy scene
    white, cold, pretty, windy, refreshing, wintery
  •  15
  • Name 4 adjectives to describe chocolate chip cookies
    yummy, sweet, chocolatey, round, tasty
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that start with "Y"
    yellow, yak, yield, yes, yawn, yam
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that start with "kn"
    knee, knight, knife, knot, knock, know, knew
  •  15
  • Name 3 words that start with "gn"
    gnome, gnarl, gnat, gnaw, gnocchi
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that begin with "dr"
    drill, draw, dream, droop, dry, dragon
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that have "nn" in the word
    bunny, penny, cannoli, funny, annual, canned
  •  15
  • Name 10 compound words
    butterfly, hamburger, baseball, football, cupcake, rainbow, lipstick, jellyfish, basketball, toothbrush
  •  15
  • Name 5 words that end in "st"
    fast, last, past, mast, list, cost, beast, worst, host
  •  15
  • Name 4 synonyms for the word "sad"
    unhappy, miserable, upset, depressed, down, melancholy
  •  15