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Patterns with abstratic nouns and relative claus ...

  •  English    7     Public
    CUT A
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Nervous people forget to smile. There are various reasons for this.
    There are various reasons why nervous people forget to smile.
  •  15
  • People talk to much because they are nervous. I have seen many situations like this.
    I have seen many situations where people talk too much because they are nervous.
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  • Two people remember different things from the same conversation. It is quite common to come across cases like this.
    It is quite commmon to come across cases where two people remember different things from the same conversation.
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  • People dread long conversations with senior colleagues at parties. There are a large number of reasons for this.
    There are a large number of reasons (for) why people dread long conversations with senior colleagues at parties.
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  • Everyone can calm down after an argument. It is essential to have a time like this.
    it is essential to have a time where everyone can calm down after an argument.
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  • How you stand or sit while you talk is important. Pèople often judge you unconsciously by this.
    People often judge you unconsciously on the way you stand or sit while you are talking.
  •  15
  • How pople complain is important. Many people respond negatively to this.
    Many people respond negatively to the what in which/that people complain.
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