Game Preview

Geometry Game: 2-D Figures

  •  English    37     Public
    This is all about quadrilaterals and triangles for grade 5.
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  • Triangles can be classified by the length of their ________ and the measure of their ________.
    sides, angles
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  • Chase said he can draw an equilateral obtuse triangle. Is he correct?
    Chase is not correct because equilateral triangles have only acute angles.
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  • Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
    Equilateral, Acute
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  • Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
    Isosceles, Right
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  • Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
    Scalene, Right (See the square corner?)
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  • Which describes BOTH triangles?
    It is D because ALL triangles have at least 2 acute angles. It's the third angle that classifies or names it.
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  • Why is a square ALSO a rectangle?
    A square has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles...just like a rectangle.
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  • Why is a rectangle NEVER a square?
    A rectangle does NOT have congruent (equal) sides.
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  • Classify this polygon in the most SPECIFIC way.
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  • Classify this polygon in the most SPECIFIC way.
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  • What quadrilateral is both a rectangle AND a rhombus?
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  • If you cut a square into 2 identical triangles, what type of triangles will you make? Use 2 names.
    isosceles, right
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  • Which could be the sides of a parallelogram?
    It is B because a parallelogram has 2 pairs of opposite, equal sides.
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  • Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    It is C because a trapezoid has 1 pair of parallel sides.
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  • Look at the quadrilaterals. Name the shapes that can only be classified as quadrilaterals AND trapezoids
    O, R, and S
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  • This question has 2 parts. Part 1 - What is a regular polygon? Part 2 - Name an example..
    A regular polygon has congruent (equal) sides AND congruent (equal) angles.Examples: square, equilateral triangle
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