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R sound riddles

  •  English    51     Public
    Practice r sounds (all positions) by guessing the word described in the riddle.
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  • This has a head, arms, and legs. It wears clothes, but can't breathe. You might see it in a corn field.
  •  15
  • This is long and mostly straight. You cross it when you are in a car sometimes. Trains ride on it.
  •  5
  • These are made of cloth. They hang from a rod. You can open and close them. They hang over the windows.
  •  20
  • You need two of these. They go on your feet. You only wear them in the house, maybe with pajamas.
  •  15
  • Adults and kids play with these. There are usually 52 of them. They come in hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds.
  •  25
  • This is sticky and sweet. It comes from trees. You can pour it on pancakes.
  •  25
  • This means stop. It is a punctuation mark. It goes at the end of a sentence.
  •  15
  • This is white, squishy, and sticky. You can roast it. You can eat it in a s'more.
  •  5
  • This is a place. They have aisles and shelves and a cash register. You can buy things there.
  •  20
  • This is a fruit. It's juicy and round and has a peel. It's color has the same name as the fruit.
  •  20
  • You take these everywhere you go. You have ten of them. You need them to type.
  •  25
  • Some people have none, some have a lot. Sometimes people cut it, curl it, dry it, straighten it, shave it, or brush it.
  •  15
  • Your house has at least one. You can open it or close it, but don't slam it!
  •  10
  • This has four legs, a tail, and and lives in the woods. It has antlers, and its baby is a fawn.
  •  15
  • This comes in brown, black, or white. It can live in the woods, the snow, or a zoo. It hibernates in winter, and it's baby is a cub.
  •  15
  • This comes in a box. You eat it for breakfast. You can pour milk on it.
  •  15