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Expected vs Unexpected: School

  •  English    20     Public
    What can you do?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Your classmate asks you to play soccer at recess, but you don't want to play. You tell them "no thank you, thank you for asking." Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • Your teacher tells you to not talk, but you don't feel well. What should you do?
    Raise your hand or tell your teacher you are going to be sick.
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  • You forget the permission slip for your field trip and it needs to be turned in today. What is the expected thing to do?
    Talk to your teacher and let her know you forgot it. Ask if you can bring it tomorrow.
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  • You spill water on your Chromebook and the screen turns off. What should you do?
    Stay calm, tell a teacher, get paper towels
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  • You accidentally spill ketchup on the person next to you. You apologize and offer to help them clean it up. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • Your teacher is talking and you loudly burb and say "that was a good one!" Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • You thought you had goldfish in your lunchbox, but there aren't any. What is the expected thing to do?
    Eat what is in your lunchbox and remember to bring them for next time.
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  • You can't find your Chromebook. What is the expected thing to do?
    First look for it yourself, then ask a classmate or teacher. Stay calm, don't yell.
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  • Your teacher calls you the wrong name, so you yell "hey, that's not my name!" Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • A classmate accidentally tripped you in the hall. They help you up and say sorry. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • You don't finish your lunch in the cafeteria but it is time to go. You put your lunchbox in your locker and go to class. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • You don't have a coat for recess and it is cold out so you hide in your locker so you don't have to go out. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • You have to go to the bathroom, so you ask your teacher if you can go. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • Your pencil breaks in the middle of a test. You loudly yell, "what?!?" Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • You spill water on your pants at school and start to loudly cry. Expected or unexpected? Why?
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  • Your lunchbox is laying in the middle of the hallway even though you left it in your locker. What are you expected to do?
    Pick it up and ask if anyone knows why it was laying in the hall
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