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Optimise B1 Unit 11 Grammar

  •  English    42     Public
    Reported Speech
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What advice would you give to someone who thinks about "______" of school?
    drop out
  •  15
  • Before a test or exam, how do you typically "_______ the topic" to reinforce your understanding?
    go over the topic
  •  15
  • What are some of your favorite subjects in "_______ school" and why?
  •  15
  • Can you share a memorable experience from "________ an exam" where you felt particularly prepared or unprepared?
  •  15
  • Have you ever considered whether it might be beneficial to _______ _____ for a holiday instead of taking one long vacation?
    break up
  •  15
  • How do you manage your time when you have to "______" long notes for a project?
    copy out
  •  15
  • 'Everyone is enjoying Robotics Camp,' Lucy said. => Lucy said everyone _____ Robotics Camp
    was enjoying
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  • 'It's important to learn the basics,' the tutor said. => The tutor said it _____ important to learn the basics.
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  • 'Lilly stayed at Hollywood Stunt Camp,' Ravi said. => Ravi said Lilly _____ at Hollywood Stunt Camp.
    had stayed
  •  15
  • 'I've been thinking about going to summer camp,' Alex said. => Alex said he _____ about going to summer camp.
    had been thinking
  •  15
  • 'You'll have a great time at Camp Kids'N Comedy!' Harry said to me. => Harry said I _____ have a great time at Camp Kids'N Comedy.
  •  15
  • 'Summer camp was very educational last year,' Joel said. => Joel said summer camp _____ very educational the year _____.
    has been - before
  •  15
  • 'They taught me a lot at Camp Jam,' Oli said. => Oli said they _____ a lot at Camp Jam.
    had taught him
  •  15
  • 'We had fun at camp last summer,' Mia said. => Mia said _____ fun at camp the summer _____.
    they have had - before
  •  15
  • Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'It's the best summer camp ever!' Priya said.
    Priya said it was the best summer camp ever.
  •  15
  • Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'We're having a great time here!' Zoe said.
    Zoe said they were having a great time there.
  •  15