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  • Why did Guillermo Del Toro become famous? a. He won of three Academy Awards and three BAFTA Awards!
    BAFTA Awards!
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  • Why did John Lennon become famous? Because he was a founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of a. the Beetles!
    a. the  Beetles!
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  • Why did John Lennon become famous? Because he was a founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of a. the  Ladybugs!
    a. the Ladybugs!
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  • Why did Bill Gates become famous? a. He founded Microsoft!
    a. He founded Microsoft!
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  • Why did John Lennon become famous? Because he was a founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of a. the Beatles/b.The Rolling Stones!
    21 June 2014
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  • Where was John Lennon born?/ Dammam Saudi Arabia/ Sudan, Saudi Arabia!
    Dammam, Saudi Arabia!
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  • Where was John Lennon born?/ Khartoum Sudan/ Saudi Arabia, Sudan!
    Khartoum, Sudan!
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  • Where was John Lennon born? Liverpool, a.England/b.Wales, England
    Liverpool, England
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  • When was John Lennon born? a.10 October 1940/b.9 October 1940
    9 October 1940
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  • Why did John Lennon become famous? Because he was a founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of a. the Beatles/b.The Rolling Stones.
    a. the Beatles
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  • Where was Bill Gates born? a. In Los Angeles, California, U.S./b. in Seattle, Washington, U.S.
    b. in Seattle, Washington, U.S.
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  • When was Bill Gates born? a. October 28, 1955 / b. October 28, 1956
    October 28, 1955
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  • Why did Bill Gates become famous? a. He founded Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico./ b. founded Apple in New York..
    a. He founded Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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  • When was Guillermo del Toro born? a. 9 October 1964 / b. 9 October 1969
    9 October 1964
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  • Where was Guillermo del Toro born? a. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México / b. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
    Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
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  • Why did Guillermo Del Toro become famous? a. He won of three Academy Awards and three BAFTA Awards/ b. of three Academy Awards and two BAFTA Awards,
    a. of three Academy Awards and three BAFTA Awards,
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