Game Preview

What Can You Do? What Can You Say? (Part II)

  •  English    22     Public
    social skills, what could you say, size of problem, safety in the home
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The video playing in class is way too loud. What can you do?
    Scream, "This is TOO LOUD" and unkind words OR cover your ears and ask for headphones?
  •  15
  • You are on the playground and accidentally bump into the slide. It hurts. What can you do?
    Ask Ms. S for help OR throw wood chips at her.
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  • Someone accidentally takes your waterbottle after gym instead of their own. What can you say?
    Yell at them OR say "Hey, that's my water bottle."
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  • You are in the bathroom and someone is blocking the door to the stall. What can you say?
    "Get out of my way" OR "Excuse me."
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  • You accidently knock a glass off the table and break it. What could you do?
    Tell an adult OR pretend it's not broken.
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  • You're filling extra wiggly during school What can you do?
    Ask for a fidget OR play with your folder.
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  • You see a group of kids at the park. You want to play with them. What can you say?
    Take away their ball OR ask them to play.
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  • You run out of time to eat your snack. What can you say?
    "I WASNT FINISHED!" or "I will finish my snack later."
  •  5
  • During reading, someone takes the book that you wanted to read. What can you say?
    "Hey! That book is mine" OR "Can I read that one next?"
  •  10
  • Someone is being really loud in class and you don't like it. What can you say?
    "Shut up!" OR "Can you please be quieter?"
  •  15
  • You want to play by yourself at choice time, but someone else wants to play with you. What can you do?
    Ignore them OR tell them you want to play by yourself right now.
  •  15
  • A friend passes gas in class. What can you do?
    Ask the class, "who farted??" or pinch your nose and ignore it.
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  • You are playing a game in speech and someone else wins the game. What can you do?
    Yell at your friend OR take a deep breath and say "good game."
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  • Your friend gets to the line before you. He becomes the line leader. What should you do? What should you say?
    Should you say, "Hey! I want to be first!" OR should you say, "Maybe next time I can be first."
  •  15
  • During reading, someone takes the book that you wanted to read. What can you say?
    Take the book from them OR read something else.
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  • You really want a pop-tart in the cafeteria but don't have any money. What can you do?
    Steal the pop-Tart OR ask mom for money when you get home?
  •  15