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Unit 2 Semester Review

  •  English    26     Public
    Semester Exam Review for My Pals Are Here Unit 2
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Diaries are __________________________ that keep a record of events that we are a part of and to express our innermost feelings.
    personal recounts
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  • Diaries begin with the day's ____________________.
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  • They include personal _________________ and ___________________ to express our opinions and emotions about an event or experience.
    personal comments and personal feelings
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  • Personal recounts often usually tell us the 3 important w's about an event. They tell us the ___________________ and the _____________________ the entry is about and ____________________ an event took place.
    who, what, where
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  • Diaries are written in formal or informal style?
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  • Diaries often contain common nouns and proper nouns. What are common nouns and how are they different from proper nouns?
    common nouns - general people, places, things, ideas / proper nouns - specific names of people, places or things
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  • Personal recounts often include adjectives and adverbs. What do adjectives describe? What do adverbs describe?
    Adjectives describe nouns. Adverbs describe verbs.
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  • Diaries use ________________________ pronouns such as 'I' and 'we'.
    first person pronouns
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  • Diaries are usually written in ________________ tense when we write about events that have already taken place. Diaries can also include _______________________ tense when we talk about how things are or how we feel at the time of writing.
    simple past tense / simple present tense
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  • When we write diaries we express our personal thoughts and feelings using __________________________ words. Give an example of these words.
    feeling / answers will vary
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  • Dictionary entries use _________________ at the top of each page to help the reader know the words included on the page.
    guide words
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  • Dictionary entries are in _______________________________ order.
    alphabetical (abc order)
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  • Would the word DISABILITY appear on a dictionary page with guide words DIFFERENT and DIP?
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  • Would the word DIGIT appear on a dictionary page with the guide words DIFFERENT and DIP?
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  • Words that show feelings are helpful when we write diaries. Use two feeling words to describe your day.
    answers will vary
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  • Words that show feelings are helpful when we write diaries. Use two feeling words to describe your day.
    answers will vary
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