Game Preview

NO TALKING! Chapter 13 - 18

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  • In Chapter 13, what did Mr. Burton have the students do in his class?
    Write reports.
    Give a debate.
    Read silently.
    Pass notes.
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  • What did Dave Packer learn about the word "um"?
    That it cost him a point
    That it isn't a word.
    That it's a word.
    That it's spelled with 2 or 3 letters.
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  • What private contest do Dave and Lynsey start?
    Whoever talks less gets an L on their forehead
    Whoever talks more get an L on their forehead
    Whoever talks more gets money
    Whoever talks less gets money
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  • What happened to Brian at home when he couldn't talk?
    He got in truble at Karate.
    He did his flute lesson without any trouble.
    He got a bad haircut
    He got in trouble with his mom.
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  • What did Lynsey realize at home when she wasn't talking.
    That she had been thinking out loud.
    That she hated Dave Packer.
    That she enjoyed not talking
    That she hated not talking
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  • Do the teachers like the No Talking contest?
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  • What plan does Mrs. Hiatt decide on to stop the contest.
    Punish any kid who doesn't talk.
    Tell them they have to talk
    Reward the kids for talking
    Join the contest
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  • What did all the kids yell at the assembly?
    The pledge of Allegiance"
    Whatever they wanted.
    "Yes, Mrs. Hiatt"
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  • Was the No Talking contest over after the assembly?
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  • Why did the teachers not enforce Mrs. Hiatt's rule about talking?
    The kids were talking again.
    The kids were learning really well
    They didn't care what Mrs. Hiatt said.
    The kids begged them
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  • How did Ed and Bill give their report on Italy?
    In 3-word sentences
    By talking normally
    By writing it on the board
    By bouncing the information back and forth
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  • Why does Mr. Burton like the No Talking Contest?
    He wants to study the kids
    He doesn't like Mrs. Hiatt
    He doesn't care what the kids do
    He likes to break rules
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  • What do the kids do in music class after Mrs. Hiatt talks to them?
    They sing in 3-word phrases
    They sing and talk normally
    They don't sing
    They sing normally
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  • Why does Mrs. Hiatt hurry back to school for lunch time?
    She's hungry
    She is ready to control the 5th grade class
    Her meeting is over
    She likes lunch duty
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  • Why does Mrs. Hiatt get so angry at the 5th grade students?
    They got in a fight
    They aren't following her directions
    They were rude to her
    They are talking too loud
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  • Who does Mrs. Hiatt yell at?
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