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  •  English    22     Public
    identify plants parts and how they function
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  • The part of a dandelion that causes the seed to float in the air. parachute or flower
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  • A seed will only grow where the produce or conditions are right?
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  • The outer part of a seed that is hard and protects the rest of the seed? seed coat or seed germ
    seed coat
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  • Because some seeds float, seeds can be distributed by water. True or False
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  • A gas found in the air. carbon dioxide or chlorophyll
    carbon dioxide
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  • A green chemical in plants that absorbs sunlight. Chlorophyll or cell
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  • Where does leaves get their green color from? chlorophyll or carbon dioxide
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  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to make their own food from carbon dioxide and water. True or False
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  • Leaves change color because: chlorophyll is gone or chlorophyll turns yellow
    chlorophyll is gone
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  • In a plant, water travels from the roots to the leaves. True or False
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  • All of these are fruits except for: a. tomatoes, b. carrots, c. watermelons, d. cherries
    b. carrots
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  • Seeds floating on water or air are examples of how plants: a. make food or b. distribute seeds.
    b. distribute seeds
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  • What must all plants have to survive? a. sunlight, b. water, c. nutrients, d. all of the above
    d. all of the above
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  • How does chlorophyll help plants? a. it absorbs sunlight b. it moves water
    a. it absorbs sunlight
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  • chlorophyll: to scatter or a green chemical that absorbs sunlight
    a green chemical that absorbs sunlight
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  • fruit: a stem, leaf, or root that you can eat or the part of a plant that contains seeds
    the part of a plant that contains seeds
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