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Geography Trivia

  •  English    19     Public
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  • What country is known as ‘The Emerald Isle’?
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  • What country has the longest coastline?
    Canada's coastline has a length of 202,080 kilometers and is considered the longest coastline worldwide.
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  • Which of these countries is NOT in Asia: Israel, Bosnia or Thailand?
    Bosnia is in Europe.
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  • Which country has the largest population as of 2024?
    India has a population of 1,428,627,663. China has a population of 1,425,671,352 (as of 2024)
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  • Patagonia is part of what two countries?
    Chile and Argentina.
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  • Sofia is the capital of what country: Belgium, Bulgaria or Belarus?
    Bulgaria. The city is located in the western part of the country.
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  • What animal is the emblem of Canada: Beaver, Moose or Bear?
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  • What country refers to themselves as ‘Kiwis’: Australia, South Africa or New Zealand?
    New Zealanders are commonly known as 'Kiwis'. They get their nickname from a small bird — not the fruit.
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  • Where can we find Loch Ness?
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  • From what country did the US buy Alaska in the 18th century?
    Russia sold Alaska to the USA on March 30th, 1867.
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  • What is the most populated country in Europe excluding Russia?
    Germany: 82.5 million.
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  • Where is Transylvania located?
    Transylvania is located in Romania, Europe.
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  • What river runs through Paris: The Seine, The Amazon, The Nile or The Danube?
    The Seine.
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  • What is the most populated African country?
    Nigeria: 223.8 million.
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  • Where is the world’s oldest monarchy located: in Sweden, in Japan, in England or in Norway?
    Japan's royal family is the world's oldest monarchy.
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  • True or False: The United Kingdom has the most overseas territories.
    True. The UK has 14 overseas territories.
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