Game Preview

Model United Nations

  •  English    21     Public
    Junior Model United Nations
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does it mean when a delegate says "Present"?
    What a delegate says when they are present in the committee and want to reserve the right to abstain on the final vote.
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  • What does it mean when a delegate says "Present and Voting"?
    What a delegate stays during roll call when they forgo their right to abstain. This means they can only vote for or against the draft resolution.
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  • What is an "Informal Debate"?
    Can be a "Moderated Caucus" or an "Unmoderated Caucus". Delegates motion to leave the Speaker’s List for a specific task such as lobbying or writing resolutiion
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  • What is a "Moderated Caucus"?
    A less formal discussion on a subtopic within the general topic, chosen by a delegate and passed by a majority.
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  • What is an "Unmoderated Caucus"?
    No topic is needed, only the general time requested for the unmoderated caucus. Once passed, delegates get out of their seat and move freely around the room.
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