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  •  English    34     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Frankly speaking, I enjoy reading. My favourite is Harry Potter books. The plot is really exciting and you never know what's going to happen next., ...
    What's your favorite book? Why?
  •  15
  • I guess traveling is great. You experience new culture, meet different people and generally expand your horizons.
    Do you like traveling? Why?
  •  15
  • There's much to see and do in my hometown. There are lots of parks, museums, shops and other entertainment.
    What can a tourist see and do in your hometown?
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  • Frankly speaking, the city has much to offer. However, my favourite place is the central park. You can take a walk, buy a cup of coffee and enjoy your time.
    What's your favorite place in your hometown? Why?
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  • The best season to visit my hometown is summer. The city has many parks and lakes. It's wonderful here in summer.
    What's the best season to visit your hometown? Why?
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  • There are several environmental proplems in my town, such air, water or noise pollution. However the most serious one is the air pollution. There are fumes from cars and factories. We breathe in this air, which is harmful for our health.
    What is the most serious environmental problem in your town?
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  • In my opinion, English will be useful in my future career as I'd like to work internationally.
    Do you think English will be useful in your future career?
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  • Well, people use the internet for work, for their studies or just simply to watch videos or listen to music. You can even shop online, nowadays.
    What do people use the internet for?
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  • There are many sports facilities in my school. There is a football field, two gyms and a tennis court.
    What spirts facilities does your school have?
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  • If you ask me, I love watching different films: comedies, thrillers, detective stories. But my favourite are science fiction films. You can travel to different planets or even galaxies with the film characters.
    What film genres do you like?
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  • To tell you the truth, I'm not really crazy about fashion. But I think that people should take care of the way they look.
    What's your attitude to fashion?
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  • Well, I don't think that fashion is a waste of money. But you shouldn't buy unnecessary things.
    Do you think fashion is a waste of money?
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  • In my opinion, fashion is an important part in teenagers ' life. They express their personality through clothes.
    Is fashion important for teenagers? Why?
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  • As I remember, I met my best friend 5 years ago. It was the 1st of September, the beginning of the school year.
    When and where did you and your best friend meet?
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  • To my mind, doing sport is really important. It keeps your body strong and healthy.
    Is it important to do sport?
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  • I use my telephone to keep in touch, to take photos, surf the internet or just to listen to music.
    What do you use your phone for?
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