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Exam 8 - The Functions of Speech

  •  English    12     Public
    Complete the sentences
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  • X: What are you doing tonight, Claire? Y: My friend ..... (me) some time with him since his parents are away and he is quite lonely at the moment.
    asked me to spend
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  • Y: His name is Frank. I guess you don't know him. We go to dance classes together. X: Frank? What ... (look)? Is it that guy with a moustache?
    does he look like
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  • Y: Are you going to stay at home for the whole evening then? X: Yes. I think ... (order) some pizza and watch TV.
    I will order
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  • X: What should I do with my bags before I pass through the metal detector, sir? Y: Please, ... (bags) the conveyor belt and use the boxes for other small objects.
    put your bags on
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  • X: Do I have to take my laptop out of my bag? Y: Yes, you do. And ... (take) your watch and your belt, please.
    take off
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  • X: There's so much fuss about it all. I have no idea why the regulations are so strict. Y: It's for the passengers' safety. Please, step back. ... (anything) in your pockets - a mobilephone, some change or some keys?
    Do you have anything
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  • My father is worried that I'm going to fail the exam. He said: 'If I were you, I ... (would) about earning money and start studying right now".
    would stop thinking
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  • Listen! I 've got an idea. Maybe ... (study) together then? You will have to revise anyway, and it could help me a lot. How about that?
    we could study
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  • Y: Well, I've been working as a stuntman for 5 years. So far I've played in 67 films. X: 67? That's a lot! Our listeners are interested ... (have) been scared or you have never had that feeling.
    to know if you have ever
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  • What ... (next) you are going to play in? And what situation do you have to face?
    is the next film
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  • X: Mum, can we make an apple pie together today? Y: Why not? But first ... (sure) if we have all the ingredients.
    make sure
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  • Y: Haven't you forgotten about the most important ingredient for an apple pie? Just think. X: Oh, yes - apples! ... (see) any apples in the kitchen. Is it possible dad has eaten them?
    I can't see
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