Game Preview

Staff Review

  •  English    24     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Jay throws an item but remains seated, what do you do next?
    present file folder for him to complete 2 consecutive without problem behavior
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  • Caden throws herself on the floor, what do you do?
    Nothing! Divert attention, no verbals
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  • rewarding a desirable behavior to increase likelihood of it occurring again (ex. Caden starts her work, staff gives her a goldfish paired with "great job starting your work"
    positive reinforcement
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  • staff teaches a new skill by physically guiding and using hand over hand with the client, then fades to a partial prompt at the elbow, then to a gestural prompt
    most to least prompting
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  • student engages in physical aggression which results in the removal of work, what's the perceived function of this behavior?
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  • student engages yelling behavior which results in multiple staff telling the student "quiet voice", what is the perceived function of this behavior?
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  • teaching information during naturally occurring events
    Natural Environment Teaching
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  • teaching a new skills by showing a picture of the work, then pushing task towards student, then using a gestural prompt
    least to most prompting
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  • TJ appropriately requests the attention of a staff member, what should they do?
    give him that positive attention!
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  • TJ is shouting "look look look!", how should you respond?
    use visual of badge to prompt gaining attention appropriately (saying your name)
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  • Jay engages in aggressive behavior while standing up, what is the first thing you should do?
    tell him to sit down
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  • when should you run targets that are on the probe sheet?
    during the center indicated on probe sheet/ during the scenario that is most functional
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  • If the function of an undesirable behavior is attention seeking and it is not harmful, what should you do while it is occurring?
    divert attention to student, wait until desired behavior begins to give attention
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  • Anthony got a yes on Thursday and Friday, a no on Monday, and a yes on Tuesday, did he master the target?
    no, needs to be 3 consecutive y's
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  • a student is extremely upset/distraught (crying, hyperventilating, engaging in SIBs), what can we do?
    decrease verbal demands, validate feelings, keep them safe, provide visuals or models of calming strategies
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  • What are some examples of pairing?
    honoring requests, parallel play, giving "freebies", talking about interests or preferred items
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