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Water Cycle

  •  English    12     Public
    Review about water cycle
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The continuous movement of water between the atmosphere, oceans, and land, crucial for sustaining life on Earth
    Water cycle
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  • The process when water turns into gaseous state and disappears into the air and it help to purify the water
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  • What is condensation?
    The process when a gas is changed into a liquid.
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  • The process where plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves is called ...
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  • The process where rainwater from the surface soaks into the ground, into the soil and underlying rock layers is called ...
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  • What is surface run-off?
    the movement of water over the surface of the land, eventually making its way into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
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  • What is precipitation?
    Any form of water, such as that falls from clouds and reaches the ground.
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  • Mention 4 form of water that fall down to Earth in precipitation process
    rain, snow, sleet, and hail
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  • What is groundwater?
    Water stored underground in soil or rocks and help to clean the water.
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  • What's the difference between evaporation and transpiration?
    In evaporation water turns into a gas from a collection and in transpiration water turned into gas from plants
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  • How does gravity help the water cycle?
    Pulls precipitation down
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  • Why are there very little clouds in desert areas?
    There isn't enough water in the area to evaporate.
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