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Second Conditionals Dilemmas

  •  English    17     Public
    Speaking activity to practise the use of Second Conditional
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If you were a fish, would you:
    a) Forget how to swim and need a dolphin to help you?   b) Become really good at swimming and join a swimming team?
  •  15
  • If you could talk to your pet, would you:
    a) Ask them why they don't like your singing? b) Tell them your secrets and dreams?
  •  15
  • If you had a time machine, would you:
    a) Tell your younger self that broccoli is dessert? b) Stop your younger self from wearing embarrassing clothes?
  •  15
  • If you could read minds, would you:
    a) Try to forget what you read? b) Use it to catch bad guys?
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  • If you were a wizard, would you:
    a) Use your powers to summon pizza? b) Use magic to make the world a better place?
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  • If you could talk to objects, would you:
    a) Say sorry to your alarm clock for hitting snooze? b) Ask your furniture for decorating tips?
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  • If you had super strength, would you:
    a) Accidentally break every door you try to open? b) Use it to help people and save the world?
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  • If you could control the weather, would you:
    a) Make it rain chocolate just for fun? b) Use it to stop bad weather and help people?
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  • If you were a scientist, would you:
    a) Invent a machine to make Mondays like Saturdays? b) Work on finding cures for diseases?
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  • If you could talk to animals, would you:
    a) Chat with squirrels about hiding spots? b) Make peace between cats and dogs?
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  • If you were invisible, would you:
    a) Sneak into movies without paying? b) Catch bad guys without them seeing you?
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  • If you could swap lives with a character, would you:
    a) Be someone who can do nothing anytime? b) Choose someone who can travel in time?
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  • If you could have any superpower, would you:
    a) Speak all languages but hiccup after each sentence? b) Fly, but only 3 kilometers per hour?
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  • If you were a genie, would you:
    a) Grant wishes with a funny twist? b) Grant wishes without problems?
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  • If you could control dreams, would you:
    a) Fill them with fun things like unicorns? b) Help people conquer their fears?
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  • If you were a wizard in school, would you:
    a) Learn spells to turn rocks into gold? b) Study making magic potions?
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