Game Preview


  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Are you trying to learn anything these days? Is there something you want to study?
  •  15
  • How important is education?
  •  15
  • Which countries have the best schools and universities? Why are they considered good?
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  • Is education only for the young? What do people learn when they are older?
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  • Henry Ford said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." Do you agree? Why?
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  • Do you enjoy learning new things? Give an example if you can.
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  • Does studying make you tired? Is it hard work? How can a student get energy for study?
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  • What characteristics should a good teacher have?
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  • Have you ever considered becoming a teacher? Why or why not?
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  • Who has taught you a lot in your life?
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  • Some people learn on their own. What things, if any, have you learned without teachers or formal education?
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  • There are many education resources online including full university classes. Have you used the internet to learn? Give an example if you can.
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  • Some people feel the education style of schools damages originality and creativity. What do you think?
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  • How do you feel about tests and exams? Are they necessary?
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  • What's your learning style? Do you learn best by listening, reading, doing things, or by some other method?
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  • Do you prefer to spend time with people of a similar level of education to yourself? Why or why not?
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