Game Preview

problem size and emotion recognition

  •  English    11     Public
    small, medium, and big problems and understanding emotions
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A student took your lunch and ate it.
    medium, tell your teacher/ask for help
  •  15
  • Your teacher tells you to put on your coat but you don't want to.
    small. Tell them how you feel
  •  15
  • Someone accidentally bumped into you in the hallway
    small. you can brush it off!
  •  15
  • You fall and break your arm at recess
    big. We need to call 911, or go to the doctor!
  •  15
  • You can't find your mom at the mall.
    big. you find a worker to help you find her.
  •  15
  • The fire alarm is going off at school for a drill.
    Medium. Listen to your teachers and follow their instructions.
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  • Your friend is being bullied by one of your classmates.
    medium. Tell your teacher what is going on.
  •  15
  • Someone cuts you in line at lunch.
    Small. we can brush it off!
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  • It's time to do math work, but you don't really feel like it.
    medium. let your teacher know and work out a plan together!
  •  15
  • You wanted popcorn in your lunch but your mom packed apple slices.
    small/medium. try your best to eat what you can / ask your teacher if they have anything you can eat
  •  15
  • You want to read a book but the expectation is to finish your ELA work.
    small. complete your work first, then you'll have time to enjoy your book!
  •  15