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Improving your self-esteem

  •  English    10     Public
    How can you feel better about yourself? Take this test to enhance your mental health :)
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  • What can you do if you have negative thoughts about yourself?
    Replace them with positive thoughts and make a list of good things about yourself.
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  • How can you take care of yourself?
    Doing exercise, sleeping the right amount of hours, eating healthy food...
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  • What are some relaxation techniques you might use?
    Yoga, meditation, taking a hot bath, gaming, indoor dancing...
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  • How can you control your daily progress?
    Setting realistic goals for each day and keeping track of them. Tick off everything you do and you will feel a huge sense of accomplishment.
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  • Can help someone improve your self-esteem?
    Yes, of course! Doing altruistic stuff boosts your confidence - you can help a classmate with homework, or your parents with their household chores.
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  • What can you do if you feel that you don't want to do things because they're difficult?
    Take a different perspective: think about what you can and want to do, believe in yourself and be more positive.
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  • Do you think that trying new things can improve your confidence and self-esteem?
    Yes, of course! You should find a creative outlet, like cooking, dancing, music, art, games, web design...
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  • Is it important that you surround yourself with people that make you feel good?
    Definitely yes! Good friendships are important. Spend time with nice people and break up with toxic friends.
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  • Should you try to be perfect all the time?
    Big no! You need to accept your flaws and imperfections and love yourself just the way you are.
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  • Can visual reminders of what you do well help you feel good?
    Yes! You should keep things such as medals or trophies you won in your room, as well as diplomas, photographies reminding you of good moments...
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