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29th February - Leap Year

  •  English    26     Public
    a trivia about February, 29th
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  • Pope Gregory XIII created the Gregorian calendar and established February 29 as the official date. What was his reasoning for making it in the month of February?
    "We need a longer winter"
    "It is consistent with Groundhog Day"
    "It's the month nobody ever wanted anyway"
    "It's the only month starting with F"
  •  20
  • Other types of calendars adjust for the "calendar drift." What is NOT a solution?
    Add 29 days every 29,000 years
    Add a "leap month" 7x every 19 years
    Add a day based on astronomical calculations
    Add a month based on the winter solstice
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  • True or False: There are also "Leap Seconds" added to the calendar as needed
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  • February 29 is not a legally recognized day. This means you have to wait an extra day to be old enough to do what?
    To retire
    To get your drivers license
    To vote
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  • Leap Year is associated with frogs. How much does the world's largest frog (West African Goliath) weight?
    7 pounds
    50 pounds
    34 pounds
    1 pound
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  • What do you call a group of frogs?
    A consortium
    A flock
    A herd
    An army
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  • Most frogs have:
    an extra toe
    no lungs
    2 brains
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  • Which is NOT a fact about frogs
    Frogs have sticky tongues to catch prey
    Frogs are herbivores
    Frogs absorb water through their skin
    Frogs were the first land mammals to have vocal cords
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  • True or False: The North American wood frog can survive being frozen solid during the winter monthsand they appear dead until they thaw out in the spring
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  • What kind of frog is this?
    Ghost Frog
    Museum Frog
    Window Frog
    Glass Frog
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