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  •  English    16     Public
    Types of teeth
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  • A hole in a tooth is called
    a cavity
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  • These teeth cut food into smaller pieces
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  • They are the strongest teeth.
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  • They crush and grind food.
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  • These teeth tear your food and make it easier to swallow the food. They are sharp and pointy.
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  • How can we take care of your teeth ?
    use a  floss
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  • How can we take care of your teeth ?
    eat balanced diets
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  • How can we take care of your teeth ?
    avoid eating much suger
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  • How can we take care of your teeth ?
    visit the dentist
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  • How can we take care of your teeth ?
    brush our teeth
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  • Why do people need teeth?
    Chew food while eating, assist while you talk, and they make you look better when you flash a smile
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  • What do you call the first set of teeth?
    baby teeth, primary teeth, milk teeth
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  • How many teeth are babies born with?
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  • What happens to your teeth at the age of 5 - 6 years?
    They start to fall out
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  • Why do the baby teeth fall out?
    They are pushed by the permanent teeth
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  • Which teeth can be often removed?
    Wisdom teeth
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