Game Preview

Unit 2 Review

  •  English    16     Public
    Government and Economy
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a constitution? ¿Qué es una constitución?
    a written set of laws
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  • A social contract is an agreement between the government and who else? ¿Un contrato social es un acuerdo entre el gobierno y quién más?
    the people/citizens
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  • In this type of economy, people trade goods and services WITHOUT the use of money. En este tipo de economía, las personas intercambian bienes y servicios SIN el uso de dinero.
    traditional economy
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  • What makes a state a "sovereign state"? ¿Qué hace que un estado sea un "estado soberano"?
    A territory has the ability to rule themselves without interference.
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  • The Legislature making laws and the Judicial branch interpreting them is an example of what? (this is one way we limit government) ¿El Legislativo que elabora leyes y el Poder Judicial que las interpreta es un ejemplo de qué?
    separation of powers
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  • Which type of government is this: A King or queen rules a country/¿Qué tipo de gobierno es este? Un rey o una reina gobierna un país.
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  • What type of government is this: one leader has absolute control over the people/¿Qué tipo de gobierno es este? Un líder tiene control absoluto sobre el pueblo.
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  • What type of government is this: the people (citizens) hold the power/¿Qué tipo de gobierno es este? El pueblo (los ciudadanos) tiene el poder.
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  • What is the main purpose of the Universal Declaration of Rights? ¿Cuál es el propósito principal de la Declaración Universal de Derechos?
    to state which rights all people should have.
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  • What is a government? ¿Qué es un gobierno?
    an organization that keeps order, sets rules, and provides services for society
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  • Give an example of why governments were created. Dé un ejemplo de por qué se crearon los gobiernos.
    answers will vary
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  • How can weather affect a country's production of goods and services? ¿Cómo puede el clima afectar la producción de bienes y servicios de un país?
    answers will vary: drought/rainfall affects crops and livestock, natural disasters, etc.
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  • How can availability of natural resources affect production of goods and services? ¿Cómo puede la disponibilidad de recursos naturales afectar la producción de bienes y servicios?
    answers will vary: having more raw materials available means there is more to make goods from, lack for resources means lack of raw materials and capita, etc
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  • How can physical location affect production of goods and services? ¿Cómo puede la ubicación física afectar la producción de bienes y servicios?
    Being close to water means more resources, access to transportation for trade, etc. Landlocked/isolated places have harder time with trade/getting resources
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  • List at least 2 human rights listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Enumere al menos 2 derechos humanos enumerados en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
    right to work, right to education, right to equality, right to take part in the government....
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  • What type of government do we have in the United States? ¿Qué tipo de gobierno tenemos en Estados Unidos?
    democracy/representative democracy
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