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Vocabulary Builders 5

  •  English    24     Public
    Vocabulary in context
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  • The serial killer's DEPRAVITY shocked the entire community.
    DEPRAVITY (noun): Moral corruption or wickedness; the state of being morally degraded or morally corrupt.
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  • Support from her friends helped to BOLSTER her confidence before the big presentation.
    BOLSTER (verb): To support, strengthen, or reinforce; to give added support or assistance to something or someone.
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  • He could feel his anger starting to SEETHE as he listened to the unjust accusations.
    SEETHE (verb): To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; to boil with suppressed emotion.
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  • His father's WRATH was formidable when he discovered the broken vase.
    WRATH (noun): Extreme anger or fury; intense resentment or indignation.
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  • Making such an ASININE comment only served to reveal his lack of intelligence.
    ASININE (adjective): Extremely foolish or stupid; lacking intelligence or common sense.
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  • She was considered a PARAGON of virtue, admired by all who knew her.
    PARAGON (noun): A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality; a model of excellence or perfection.
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  • Despite her small size, she had a PLUCKY attitude that inspired those around her.
    PLUCKY (adjective): Brave, spirited, and determined; showing courage and resilience in the face of difficulties.
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  • The news of their success was HEARTENING to everyone who had supported them.
    HEARTENING (adjective): Inspiring hope or encouragement; uplifting or invigorating.
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  • Winning the championship was the APEX of his athletic career.
    APEX (noun): The highest point or peak of something; the culmination or climax.
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  • The artist's talent was MANIFEST in every stroke of the brush.
    MANIFEST (adjective): Clearly visible or obvious; readily perceived by the senses or the mind.
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  • The aroma of freshly baked cookies was TANTALIZING, drawing everyone to the kitchen.
    TANTALIZING (adjective): Tempting or alluring, especially because of the promise of something desirable but elusive.
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  • A weekend getaway provided a much-needed RESPITE from the stresses of daily life.
    RESPITE (noun): A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant; a temporary break or pause.
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  • Having grown up in a tough neighborhood, he was INURED to violence and hardship.
    INURED (adjective): Accustomed to something unpleasant or harmful, especially as the result of repeated exposure; toughened or hardened.
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  • Thirsty from their hike, they QUAFFED the cool, refreshing water from the stream.
    QUAFFED (verb): To drink heartily or enthusiastically; to consume a beverage quickly and in large quantities.
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  • The unexpected turn of events left her feeling DISCONCERTed and unsure of what to do next.
    DISCONCERT (verb): To disturb the composure or confidence of; to unsettle or confuse.
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  • The company's DEMISE was inevitable after years of mismanagement.
    DEMISE (noun): The end or downfall of something, especially an institution, idea, or person; death or cessation.
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