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Vocabulary Builders 3

  •  English    24     Public
    Words in Context
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  • The tightrope walker walked with a TAUT wire, ensuring his balance and stability.
    TAUT (adjective): Stretched or pulled tight; not slack.
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  • Over time, interest ACCRUED on the savings account, increasing its value.
    ACCRUED (verb): To accumulate or gather over time.
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  • She used a match to KINDLE the fire in the fireplace on a chilly evening.
    KINDLE (verb): To start or ignite a fire; to arouse or inspire.
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  • The DESPOT ruled the kingdom with an iron fist, suppressing any opposition.
    DESPOT (noun): A ruler with absolute power, often exercising it oppressively.
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  • The school play turned into a FIASCO when the lead actor forgot his lines.
    FIASCO (noun): A complete failure or disaster.
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  • The dancers had to SYNCHRONIZE their movements perfectly for the performance.
    SYNCHRONIZE (verb): To coordinate or match the timing of actions or events.
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  • A BEVY of birds flew overhead, their colorful feathers a sight to behold.
    BEVY (noun): A large group or collection, especially of similar things.
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  • The lake was calm and SERENE, reflecting the surrounding mountains.
    SERENE (adjective): Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
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  • The spy operated in COVERT missions, never revealing his true identity.
    COVERT (adjective): Secret or hidden, especially regarding activities or operations.
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  • The crowded marketplace was filled with the sounds of BEDLAM as vendors called out to customers.
    BEDLAM (noun): A state of uproar and confusion; chaos.
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  • Despite the consequences, he made a BRAZEN attempt to cheat on the exam.
    BRAZEN (adjective): Bold and without shame; daring or defiant.
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  • The prisoner felt FETTERED by the chains that bound him to the wall.
    FETTERED (adjective): Restrained or confined by shackles or chains; restricted.
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  • The water rushed down the mountain in a CASCADE, creating a beautiful spectacle.
    CASCADE (noun): A small waterfall or a series of stages descending over a steep surface.
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  • The village faced DIRE consequences if they didn't find water soon.
    DIRE (adjective): Extremely serious or urgent; fraught with severe consequences.
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  • The citizens gathered to EXALT their leader for his bravery in battle.
    EXALT (verb): To praise or glorify highly; to elevate in status or rank.
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  • The argument served to further ESTRANGE the two friends from each other.
    ESTRANGE (verb): To alienate or cause someone to feel disconnected or distant.
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