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U6 Quiz #1: Medieval Europe

  •  English    16     Public
    U6 Quiz #1: Medieval Europe
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  • Describe the geography of medieval Europe.
    Most of Europe within 300 miles of sea Fishing & trade Rivers Travel Mountains Separation & protection
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  • Who was Charles Martel? Why is he important?
    wanted to unite Martel-Catholic (Christian) Pope helped against Muslim invasion 732 CE Battle of Tours Stopped Muslim advance Christianity= around Europe
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  • Who was Charlemagne? Why is he important?
    Grandson of Charles Martel Became king of the Franks Defeated Saxons Forced them to convert to Christianity
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  • Who were the Vikings? What are the Vikings known for?
    Scandinavia- Norway, Sweden, Denmark “Northmen” aka Norsemen aka VIKINGSKnown as fierce, merciless Support growing population Weakened kingdoms
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  • Label the following hierarchical social structure of Feudalism in Medieval Japan. Using the following word bank.
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  • What was included in the medievial’s Knight Code of Honor?
    Obedience, bravery, respect to noblewomen, honor church, help people, honesty, fairness
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  • What was the Magna Carta? Why was it important?
    MAGNA CARTA-LIMITED THE POWER OF THE KING Nobles forced King John to sign Fair trial Habeas Corpus- must have trial People have rights
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  • What was the outcome of the First Crusade?
    Drive Muslims out of Jerusalem
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  • What was the outcome of the Second Crusade?
    Christians lost Jerusalem
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  • What was the outcome of the Third Crusade?
    Muslims allow Christians safe passage to Jerusalem
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  • What was the outcome of the Fourth Crusade?
    Destroyed Constantinople
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  • What was the role of religion in medieval Europe?
    Religion was everything Life revolved around Catholicism Priests ran schools, hospitals, all ceremonies Mass on Sundays - rituals, prayers (Latin)
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  • What was the Spanish Inquisition?
    Pope starts Inquisition, Spanish Inquisition (1469) Church did not want to lose power End heresy Beliefs against the church Confess or die
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  • Describe the cities in medieval Europe.
    Crowded Fire hazards No building codes Dirty, smelly No sewage No plumbing Waste dumped in rivers Women ran households, managed money Developed trades to make
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  • What was the Black Death?
    Black death= plague= black plague= bubonic plague Disease spread throughout Europe & Asia
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  • IB Statement of Inquiry: Individuals and societies (groups of people) reorganize to adapt to internal (within / from the inside) and external (outside) forces. Write a 4 - 6 sentence response to support the IB Statement of Inquiry with at
    Answers will vary by student.
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