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U5 Exam: Japan Unit Assessment

  •  English    8     Public
    U5 Exam: Japan Unit Assessment
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  • Who were the samurai?
    Nobles formed private armies to protect their lands and gave the men land if they agreed to fight
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  • What code did the samurai follow?
    Strict code of conduct” = Bushido
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  • What is feudalism in medieval Japan? Why was it important to Japan?
    Feudalism was crucial to Japan as it provided a system of governance and stability, facilitating local administration, military defense, and societal order dur
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  • Be able to label the social structure of feudalism during medieval Japan.
    see image
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  • What were the Tanka poems?
    is a free verse, 31-syllable poem originating in Japan. An art form that became a common means of communication for personal correspondence
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  • What was Buddhism during medieval Japan?
    Buddhism is a major world religion . It emphasizes the Four Noble Truths,
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  • Why was Buddhism important during medieval Japan?
    It not only provided a spiritual framework but also influenced Japanese culture, art, and social institutions. Buddhism coexisted with Shintoism,
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  • Statement of Inquiry: Culture, dependent on time, space and place, forms a part of our shared identity and can be expressed in many ways.
    Write a 5 - 6 sentence diary or journal entry from the perspective of a Japanese person living during medieval Japan to support the IB Statement of inquiry.
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