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Vocabulary Builders 2

  •  English    23     Public
    Using context clues to define SAT words.
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  • Sarah's FRANK demeanor often led her to speak her mind without hesitation, even when others found it uncomfortable.
    Being honest and straightforward, saying what you really think.
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  • The LITHE dancer gracefully moved across the stage, her movements fluid and agile.
    Being flexible and graceful in movement, like a dancer.
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  • Being GULLIBLE, Tim believed every rumor he heard without questioning its validity.
    Easily believing or trusting things, even if they might not be true.
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  • The political spectrum is often seen as a CONTINUUM, ranging from extreme left to extreme right ideologies.
    A range or sequence with no clear divisions between the different parts.
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  • Despite the TRAVAIL of the journey, the hikers were determined to reach the summit of the mountain.
    Hard work or labor, often involving difficulty or suffering.
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  • The INTREPID explorer fearlessly ventured into the uncharted wilderness, undeterred by the dangers that lay ahead.
    Being brave and fearless, not afraid of danger.
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  • After a long day of work, Sarah felt LANGUIDE and drained, unable to muster the energy for anything else.
    Feeling tired or lacking energy, as if you want to rest.
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  • The mass EXODUS of people from the city was caused by the worsening economic conditions.
    A mass departure or exit of people from a place.
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  • The sudden INFLUX of new students overwhelmed the school's resources.
    A sudden or large flow of something, like people or money, coming into a place.
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  • John's face turned red with ABASHMENT when he realized he had mispronounced the teacher's name in front of the entire class.
    To feel embarrassed or ashamed, often because of something you did or said.
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  • The INCESSANT noise of construction outside made it difficult for Sarah to concentrate on her homework.
    Never stopping, continuous or constant.
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  • Sarah had a LATENT talent for painting that she only discovered after taking an art class.
    Something that is present but not yet visible or active.
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s ELOQUENT speeches inspired millions of people to fight for civil rights.
    Speaking or writing in a fluent, persuasive, and graceful manner.
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  • As a renowned scientist, Marie Curie was an EMINENT figure in the field of chemistry.
    Being famous, respected, and distinguished in a particular field.
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  • Despite his efforts to hide his pain, John couldn't help but WINCE as the nurse cleaned his wound.
    To flinch or make a slight involuntary movement in response to pain or discomfort.
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  • It's important to be PURDENT with your money, saving for the future rather than spending it all at once.
    Acting wisely and carefully, especially when it comes to money or decisions.
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