Game Preview

Sec B Superb- day 7

  •  English    14     Public
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  • what does "fever" mean?
    desire, need
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  • what did Roberto do to practice and play baseball without equipment?
    he made a baseball bat form guava tree branch his first glove was made from coffee-bean sack.
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  • which invitation did he receive?
    to play in the major leagues in America
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  • which disappointed Roberto when he was sent to America?
    He was sent to Pittsburgh where his new team was in last place
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  • what happened to him when he was in America?
    He felt strange. He saw smokestacks. He heard English instead of Spanish. the announcer stumble through his Spanish name.
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  • what did he do to introduce himself in the first time at bat?
    Roberto smacked the very first pitch.
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  • Did the fans know Roberto well?
    No. they asked "who was this guy?"
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  • why was Roberto like a jolt of electricity to his new fans?
    He could score from first base on a single. He could hit lines drives, bunts, towering home runs, sacrifices flies.
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  • Can you guess what is a pop fly?
    it is you catch, like a ball
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  • what was special about him in playing ball?
    He had style. He was cool.
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  • What did Roberto do to help his team?
    He helped his team all the way to the World Series and beat NewYork Yankees
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  • Why did white newspaper writers not like Roberto?
    Because he was black
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  • What did white writes do to Roberto?
    They call edhim "lazy". They mocked his Spanish accent. They called him a Latino "hothead"
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  • What did he swear?
    To become the greatest all-round baseball player there ever was
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