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Multiple Choice B1-B2 English Test

  •  English    23     Public
    Multiple Choice: Gerunds, infinitives and relative clauses, Reported speech and conditionals
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  • If I _____________ a superpower, _____________ choose the ability to refill snack bowls with just a thought.
    have, I could
    could, I can
    have to, I might
    had, I'd
  •  15
  • Tomorrow, I _____________ try a new recipe – spaghetti tacos. It _____________ revolutionize the culinary world!
    might, can
    be going to, can
    will, might
    can, will
  •  15
  • In the future, robots _____________ do all household chores. Imagine a robot folding laundry – no more mismatched socks!
    be able to
  •  15
  • If I _____________ the lottery, I _____________ finally afford that private island I've been eyeing.
    will win, might
    might, win
    could, will win
    win, could
  •  15
  • There _____________ too much excitement at the science fiction convention. People _____________ mistake it for an alien invasion!
    might, can
    will be, might
    should, will be
    can, will be
  •  15
  • The new movie about time travel _____________ break all box office records. I _____________ even watch it twice!
    will, might
    might, should
    should, is going to
    is going to, may
  •  15
  • If I _____________ a robot assistant, it _____________ be programmed to tell jokes. Imagine a robot comedian!
    should, have
    must, has to
    had, must
    has to, should
  •  15
  • This cake _____________ too delicious; everyone _____________ end up with a sugar rush!
    might, will be
    can, might
    must, can
    is going to be, might
  •  15
  • If we _____________ pollution, we _____________ save the planet. Plus, cleaner air means better selfies!
    will reduce, can
    can, must
    must, can
    reduce, can
  •  15
  • In the future, people _____________ work less. Maybe then we'll all become professional nap-takers!
    will have to
  •  15
  • If I _____________ how to speak every language, I _____________ eavesdrop on some really interesting conversations!
    knew, could
    could, knew
    know, could
    can, know
  •  15
  • The party _____________ too much fun. We _____________ need a disco ball for the living room!
    can, should
    should, will be
    might, can
    will be, might
  •  15
  • If I _____________ a teleportation device, I _____________ beat rush hour traffic!
    had, could
    could, had
    had, can
    can, have
  •  15
  • The passive voice _____________ used to write mysterious notes. The thief _____________ have left a clue!
    can, is
    is, must
    must, will be
    will be, can
  •  15
  • If I _____________ the lottery, I _____________ donate a million euro to....?
    win, can
    might, win
    can, will win
    will win, might
  •  15
  • The coffee at the new café _____________ too strong; it _____________ power a spaceship!
    should, will be
    might, can
    would be, could
    is, might
  •  15