Game Preview

Social Scenarios

  •  English    21     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In the lunch room, your friend dropped his tray and his food went all over the floor. What do you think he is feeling and what would you do?
  •  15
  • You are having dinner with another family and notice 2 other kids having a conversation about your favorite video game. You want to join the conversation. How would you join the conversation without interrupting?
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  • A student in your math class comes up to your seat after the bell rings and says "I like your shoes." What could you say to her?
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  • Your older sister comes downstairs and says "I'm tired." Your dad replies, "hi tired, I'm dad." Your sister rolls her eyes.What does rolling your eyes tell others? Why did your sister roll her eyes? Tell about one time you felt like her.
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  • You are in line to check out at the grocery store. The line is moving slowly and the store is busy. The person behind you is sighing, tapping their foot, and checking their watch. How do you think they might feel? Why? Tell about a time you
  •  15