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G6 Ch5 L2 Earth's Moving Continents

  •  English    10     Public
    Week 26 McGraw-Hill Science, Wright Language Academy.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who is Alfred Wagner?
    A German scientist who published a book proposing that the continents had been connected as a single body of land earlier in Earth’s history.
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  • What does the model of plate tectonics explain and how does the process work?
    How the continents and the ocean floor could move; earth's surface is in pieces called plates.
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  • What is seafloor spreading? How is related to Wagner's idea?
    Magma enters cracks in seafloor plates, forces them apart, cools and hardens; supports Wagner's theory.
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  • Where in the world do divergent boundaries occur?
    Locations where plates move apart.
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  • What are convergent boundaries and what happens there?
    Locations where plates collide.
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  • How does subduction work?
    One colliding plate carries part of an ocean floor, and the other carries part of a continent, then the oceanic plate slides under the continental plate.
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  • How does an ocean trench form?
    When plates move toward each other on the ocean floor, one plate sinks under the other.
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  • If a continental valley begins to widen, what conclusion might you draw about the region’s plate movement? Why?
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
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  • How do earthquakes occur at a transform boundary?
    Strain on the rock builds up along transform boundaries and then is quickly released.
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  • Where would it be easiest to drill through Earth’s crust and reach the mantle? Why?
    The thinnest oceanic crust is found at mid-ocean, underwater mountain ranges where tectonic plates are diverging, and new oceanic crust is formed.
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