Game Preview

The Chocolate Touch Chapters 1-6

  •  English    24     Public
    A review on the first six chapters.
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  • Cha. 1: Characterize John Midas
    strong and bored
    greedy, loves chocolate
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  • cha. 1: What is John's one bad fault?
    he doesn't listen to parents
    he hates school
    he loves chocolate
    he is to short
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  • cha. 1: Why did John's parents take him to see Dr. Cranium?
    He had bumps on him
    he doesn't listen to parents
    he was sick with the flu
    he didnt do his homework
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  • cha. 2: Describe the coin John found?
    on one side a fat boy, on the other side the initials J.M.
    it looked like a quarter
    it was a penny
    had a picture of Ms. Boyd-Tucker on it
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  • cha. 2: What did John buy with the coin?
    a box of candy
    his mom a present
    hot Cheetos
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  • Cha. 2: Why was John disappointed with what he found in the candy box?
    the candy melted
    the candy smelled bad
    the candy looked nasty
    it only had one piece of candy
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  • cha. 3: What unusual thing happened when John brushed his teeth?
    his sister smacked him in the head
    the toothpaste turned into chocolate
    nothing happened
    the toothbrush started talking
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  • cha. 3: Why doesn't John need money for chocolate?
    everything he drank and ate turned into chocolate
    he didn't want to buy anything
    he already had money
    he was sleepy
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  • cha. 3: What do you think has happened to make everything taste like chocolate?
    the one piece of candy he ate did something.
    God blessed him with unlimited chocolate
    he loved chocolate so much
    his sister tricked him
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  • cha. 4: What happened when John put his gloved finger into his mouth?
    The glove turned into chocolate
    he ate snow
    he saw a dinosaur
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  • cha. 4: What happened when John bit into Susan's silver dollar?
    she smacked him
    it turned into chocolate
    it turned into strawberries.
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  • cha. 4: How did Susan react to John taking a bite out of her silver dollar?
    she was very upset
    she called her mom
    she smiled
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  • cha 5: What happened when John tried to get a drink of water?
    the water fountain didn't work
    the water tasted good
    his teacher was mad.
    the water turned into chocolate
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  • cha 5: How did John know the chocolate touch was getting stronger?
    he felt like a chocolate superhero
    he didn't know
    his teacher told him so.
    the whole pencil turned into chocolate, not just the tip.
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  • cha 5: How did Ms. Plimsole react to John and his pencil turning to chocolate.
    she suspended him for telling a lie.
    she didn't believe him
    she told him to go away
    she called his mom
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  • cha6: How did Susan and her friends treat John when he tried to jump rope?
    they told him to go away
    they ignored him
    they played with him
    they said hello
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