Game Preview

Fight, Flight, Freeze

  •  English    20     Featured
    This game is to help students identify the different response
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A friend has taken too long with their turn on Minecraft so you yank the controller out of their hands. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze
  •  10
  • You are in a really crowded store, so you run out to your parent's car. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • Your friend calls you a mean name and you pretend you didn't hear them. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
  •  25
  • Your sibling broke your favorite game so you yell at them. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
  •  15
  • You got a bad grade on a test, but you don't tell your parents and hope they don't notice. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • Someone cuts in front of you in a line, so you call them a mean name. Is this fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • You get in trouble at home, so you run off to your. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • You don't want to talk to someone new, so you put your head down on the table and ignore them. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • You are not sure what the right answer to a questions is, so you give a silly an on purpose. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • You tell your friend you won't play with them unless they pick the game you want to play. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • Your parents let you sibling pick what's for dinner, so you cry and go to your room. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • Your parents keep asking you about joining the soccer team but you feel nervous about it so you yell at them. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
  •  10
  • You are at summer camp and you call your mom to come pick you up because you are feeling nervous about staying the night at the camp. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
  •  15
  • The teacher asks you a questions during class and you don't know the answer so you don't say anything. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
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  • You feel overwhelmed by all your homework, so you ignore it and watch TV. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
  •  10
  • Your new therapist comes to get you from the lobby, but you are nervous about meeting them so you hide behind your mom. Is this response fight, flight, or freeze?
    Flight and/or freeze
  •  25